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The video “2000 Mules” documents what happened in the 2020 presidential election and exposes the election fraud in five states that tipped the election to Biden. 2000 Mules exposes the fraud in two ways, geotracking, and videos. The act of geotracking monitors cell phone movements. Dinesh D’Souza, in his 2000 Mule documentary, shows how Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, and Debbie D’Souzathe tracked the cell phone movements of paid criminals while they delivered illegal ballots to drop boxes. Because states installed surveillance cameras at drop box sites, there are official videos of ballot stuffing. The film answers the most critical question: who won the 220 elections? The film documents the biggest heist in American history. Another group that exposes voter fraud is True the Vote. True the Vote is an organization that reveals how a cabal of conspirators who intend to deceive American voters and gain control over America’s elections. There are also books on the subject. An excellent book is Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote by John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky. We will lose our freedom forever if we never get past the fear of challenging those who deceive and oppress us.

In blog post 182, Executive Order 14019, I expose the game plan of a cabal of conspirators who plan to subvert the next election. The agenda varies depending on the objective. The conspirators always use the Hegelian Dialectic Control Method by concocting a problem and then offering a solution to the problem. But the solution furthers their agenda. For example, the cabal plans to destroy democracy and western economies. So the conspirators bate Russia to invade Ukraine so that countries would agree to sanction Russia. The sanctions will deprive the west of raw materials and be equivalent to countries committing economic suicide. Nine-eleven, global warming, Covid-19, and Ukraine are manufactured events. They are examples of this evil force instigating a problematic event, watching for society’s reaction, and formulating a solution (problem, response, resolution). 

The cabal can gain control over our elections by convincing people that a change must occur to have fair elections. Executive Order 14019 states, “Free and fair elections that reflect the will of the American people must be protected and defended. But many Americans, especially people of color, confront significant obstacles to exercising that fundamental right. These obstacles include difficulties with voter registration, lack of election information, and barriers to access at polling places ….” The proposed problem is the lack of accessibility to voting places. The solution to the proposed problem will make it easier for people to vote. But the solution will make it easier for the cabal to rig the election in their favor. This Executive Order attempts to federalize election laws to benefit the Left and keep the Democratic Party in power. The Order directs more than 400 federal agencies to develop plans to “expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process.” True the Vote is active in ensuring free and fair elections. Election integrity requires constant engagement. True the Vote is here to help you and guide you to do that: constantly engage. Every step in the elections process offers you an opportunity to have your voice heard, and we want to show you how. Not just inside the voting booth but well beyond.

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Published by Kenneth E. Long

Author, college professor of economics, swimming and tennis enthusiast

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